Get Your Info on Local Television
If you represent a local or county non-profit or government agency that serves Sacramento County, you are welcome to submit a community bulletin to air on local television.
Where will my bulletin air: Cable channels 17 & 18 which also streams on the internet through this website, Roku, Apple TV & Amazon Fire TV. If the bulletin is for an event, the bulletin will air up to an hour before the event start. If the bulletin is not date specified, the bulletin will air for one year and thus should be resubmitted each year.
When will my bulletin air: Community bulletins air between shows and rotate every ten seconds.
What should I submit:
- Image Size: Submit a jpeg or png digital image of your bulletin in a 16:9 ratio (width:height) which are the horizontal proportions of a smart TV screen. Or more easy to prepare, you can make a horizontal 11″ x 8-1/2″ image in a Word doc or as a PowerPoint slide, and save it as a jpeg.
- Edgy Problem: Each television manufacturer and your TV set-up determine how much of the television program edge the TV viewer sees. Some TVs swallow up a surprising amount of the show’s edge. So don’t place text near the edge of your image. The blue guidelines on this image below are a good guide for text.

- Oversharing: If you do not have the ability to submit a graphic file, then please submit only the most basic information that will drive a viewer to your website for more information about your event. Remember that the bulletins rotate every 10 seconds, so the text has to be readable in 10 seconds.
- Please do not submit a long flyer or press release. Just the facts, ma’am.
Samples: Here are a couple of bulletin board samples that show what works and what doesn’t.

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