When a creator has to create…

  • Access Sacramento members can borrow equipment from the lending library for a duration of up to five (5) consecutive days. If the fifth day lands on a weekend, the borrower will return the equipment by noon the following Monday.
  • Equipment can be borrowed if the member can demonstrate that they are skilled enough to operate the equipment, either through attending the field shooting class or by demonstrating skill to the Access Sacramento trainer.
  • Equipment reservation pick-up hours are THURSDAY ONLY, 4 pm to 8:30 pm. Equipment return hours are TUESDAY ONLY, 4 pm to 8:30 pm. This gives you four & 1/2 full days to use the borrowed equipment.
  • You must receive a reservation confirmation from Access Sac prior to equipment pick up.
  • It is very important to return the equipment on time, so as not to jeopardizing the success of another member’s project who is borrowing after you.
  • The borrower agrees to alert staff immediately if equipment is damaged.
  • The borrower agrees to pay retail replacement cost if equipment is lost or damaged…or we can work out an agreement on taking a few of your kids…we always need more production assistants…just call us Rumplestiltskin…
  • To borrow equipment, member should email their request to info@AccessSacramento.org five (5) days before lend date.
  • Quid Pro Quo with the Community: The understanding between the borrower and Access Sacramento is that the borrower will provide Access Sacramento with the final media they produce with this equipment, and gives Access Sacramento the right to air this media on local TV channels 17 or 18 and our internet platforms, or on local KUBU radio.
Become a Member to Get Started

Talent Release Form

Please have your on-air talent sign a talent release form and provide it to Access Sacramento BEFORE they are filmed. Thanks!
