Tim Brinkhof of MIC.com Explores The Power of Media and Voice in his article, “From Homelessness to Hollywood: How director Elegance Bratton made The Inspection”. His article highlights the importance of telling our stories in a powerful medium in an authentic way. (Take a minute to read it and come back).

What many people don’t know about filmmaking and media is that anyone with a Cable Access Community Media Center in their town can tell their story on TV or Radio.  Community Producers (like you and me) can borrow equipment, take classes, and find connections with like-minded individuals to create media content.  Elegance Bratton happened to join the military as his route to the Media industry. However, you don’t have to make life-altering decisions like committing to military service or taking out a huge college loan to work in media.

In Sacramento County, CA, we have Access Sacramento and KUBU 96.5 FM Radio available as resources for anyone residing in the County. If you reside outside of Sacramento County, you can still connect with the station and have some resources provided when paired with a non-profit from within the County.

We hope that Tim’s article about Elegance Bratton inspires you, and we hope you exercise that inspiration to tell your story with us!